1. Vaccine Passports ignore the naturally immune. – Natural immunity is durable and long lasting to the point that if you’ve had COVID-19 you will probably make antibodies for a lifetime. A study out of Israel states that “after adjusting for comorbidities, we found a 27.02-fold risk (95% CI, 12.7 to 57.5) for symptomatic breakthrough […]
Author: NJ Vaccine Science
The Case for Unmasking NJ’s Children
There is growing evidence to support the unmasking of New Jersey’s children. Masks mandates don’t reduce transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in school. All teachers that want vaccinations have received them. Children are at very low risk from COVID-19. Children are less likely to transmit infection than adults. Masks are not benign mitigation approaches. Below is a […]
Pfizer/BioN Tech COVID-19 Vaccine Concerns
1. Vaccine Safety: A. No Long-Term Data:We do not have safety data for this vaccine beyond the two months of phase 3 data that has been released. There is a legitimate concern that if too many people cross over from the placebo group to the vaccine group, there will never be enough data to establish […]
The Overwhelming Evidence for Keeping Schools Open
Pediatrics releases a study looking at incidence of secondary transmission in schools and found: “Over 9 weeks, 11 participating school districts had more than 90,000 students and staff attend school in-person; of these, there were 773 community-acquired SARS-CoV-2 infections documented by molecular testing. Through contact tracing, NC health department staff determined an additional 32 infections […]
How to tell the magnitude of NJ’s second wave?
In an effort to understand if NJ is currently undergoing a second wave of COVID-19 we will review four key metrics – reproductive number over time (Rt), cases, hospitalizations, and deaths – and how best to understand what is reported in the context of normal seasonal viruses. 1. Rt: The reproductive number calculated over time, […]
COVID-19 Update: Vaccine trials, herd immunity, & lockdowns
Will covid-19 vaccines save lives? Current trials aren’t designed to tell us. We’ve heard from many leaders that we will not return to normal until a vaccine arrives. This statement assumes the vaccine will prevent spread and reduce serious disease. Unfortunately, we won’t know that from the current clinical trials. A recent feature in the […]

Flu Shot Mandate: Will it help during COVID-19?
NJ Assembly Bill 4576 proposes annual forced flu vaccination for all students to reduce the number of children who experience severe flu and COVID symptoms and help reduce competition for medical resources such as ER and ICU visits. TAKE ACTION HERE Forced flu vaccination will not accomplish these goals. There is significant evidence showing that […]

Alan Dershowitz and Paul Offit Advocate for Vaccine Choice
World class lawyer Alan Dershowitz, who recently claimed on multiple TV networks that individuals will have no right to stop forced vaccination by the government for COVID-19, recently stated: “… if they develop an vaccine that only prevents you from getting it, but does not prevent you from transmitting it, I wouldn’t be in favor […]

Did the Lockdowns Help or Hurt?
Help – The jury is still out The mainstream media seems convinced that the lockdowns helped to stop the spread of SARS-CoV-2, reduced hospitalizations, and limited the death toll from COVID-19. The below graph calls that assumption into question as it show the UK and Peru, both strongly locked down, with the roughly the same […]

Why COVID-19 is most likely over in NJ
The curve & Farr’s Law In the mid-19th century, Dr. William Farr, observed that epidemic events rise and fall in a roughly symmetrical pattern that can be approximated by a bell-shaped curve. He noticed that this time-evolution behavior could be captured by a single mathematical formula (“Farr’s law”) that could be used for epidemic forecasting. […]