In late May the CDC came out with its best estimates of the symptomatic case fatality ratio and percent of asymptomatic infections. Using these estimates: Case Fatality Rate is 0.4% Infection Fatality Rate is 0.26% That is for all age groups. When you look at just the CFR estimates per age group: 0 – 49 […]
Author: NJ Vaccine Science
Antibody Testing Proving Fauci right about low CFR for COVID
Dr. Fauci wrote in The New England Journal of Medicine “…the case fatality rate may be considerably less than 1%. This suggests that the overall clinical consequences of Covid-19 may ultimately be more akin to those of a severe seasonal influenza ”
New Bills Introduced to Remove NJ’s RE
New bills have been introduced for the 2020 – 2021 Legislative Session. S902 and A969 are the same as the prior session’s S2173/A3818. These bills would eliminate NJ’s Religious Exemption. S902/A969: Clarifies statutory exemptions from mandatory immunization requirements for child care center and school attendance. Identical Bill Number: S2173/A3818 Sponsors: Sweeney/Conway; Removed the Religious Exemption. […]
Amendments to S2173 to allow exemptions to private schools only.
We need these 4 who abstained today to be NO votes on Monday: Call once, email once, then get everyone you know in that district to call and email once, and then get everyone you know to call and email. Then I’ll see you in Trenton on Monday! Votes start at noon. “Please vote no […]
Action Alert: Final Push to Save NJ’s Religious Exemption
The last day S2173 can be voted on is Monday, January 13th. If the democratic leadership can cobble together the 21 vote needed it can be voted on Thursday (1/9/20) or Monday (1/13/20). Here is a list of things you can do ASAP: 1. Show up in Trenton at the State House tomorrow (Thursday – […]
Individual Rights about to be Sacrificed for a Fabricated Public Health Crisis
The NJ Senate is considering bill 2173 that will remove NJ’s Religious Exemption (RE) to school vaccinations. If this bill passes the Senate, it already passed the Assembly in December, it will be signed by Governor Murphy resulting in a law that will ban children who are not fully vaccinated from all NJ schools. The […]
January 1 Action Alert: NJ’s Religious Exemption Still in Danger
NJ’s Religious Exemption to school vaccinations is still in danger. Although the NJ Senate did not have enough YES votes to bring S2173 to a floor vote in December, they can call a vote until January 14th, 2020 which is the end of the legislative year. Please take the following actions to help preserve NJ’s […]
ACTION ALERT – The NJ Senate Health Committee is voting on Thursday, 12/12/19 to remove NJ’s Religious Exemption followed by a full Senate and Assembly vote on Monday 12/16/19.
We got word today that certain members of the Senate Health Committee that were planning on voting NO will be removed from the Committee in an attempt to replace them with YES votes. This is legal and it is a sign that our arguement and advocacy is gaining momentum. Below is the next step. The […]
NJ’s Religious Exemption – How its removal will impact you
This is a Letter to the Editor submitted by one of our volunteers: A current bill in the NJ Assembly (A3818/S2173; Senate version is similar) will eliminate the Religious Exemption (RE) to mandatory vaccination. If the RE is eliminated, all NJ children will have to follow the State’s vaccination schedule or be removed from school. […]
Welcome to NJ Vaccine Science
NJ Vaccine Science is a group of NJ District 11 advocates for vaccine exemptions. Our goal is to educate the people of District 11 on the science surrounding vaccine exemptions using CDC statements, vaccine inserts, and peer-reviewed science. We hope to inspire our elected representatives in Trenton to defend NJ’s Religious Exemption. NJ Vaccine Science […]